Thursday, October 17, 2013


Here we are- Fall is definitely here- and Canadian Thanksgiving has past.       
I am feeling so great and so full- so grateful- for all the wonderful people- family and friends and internet friends- that I have in my life. I am so blessed to have two great sons, two fabulous daughters-in-law and 4 fantastic grandkids- the youngest whom turns two today. I have been blown away by the generosity of so many of you who have connected, listened, laughed, and been there for me, supporting me in so many ways. I truly am blessed- my love cup is filled up and I'm feeling vibrant and alive once again. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

The Struggle Ends when the Gratitude Begins
Neale Donald Walsh said, "The struggle ends when the gratitude begins", and that statement rings true to me. In times of struggle it can be difficult to really appreciate and feel gratitude for what is, and sometimes it is about faking it til we make it- saying the words, doing the exercise, trying to feel it. When we are feeling down, or having issues with someone (partner, child, boss, co-worker) or something, it can be pretty difficult to really feel grateful. The beauty is, with practicing it daily one day you wake up feeling truly grateful- and what a gift that is!!! It's that old adage when we change our thinking we change our life- when we change our thinking, we change our feelings, which change our actions and results.
Dr. Robert Emmons is a professor at the University of California who did 8 years research on gratitude and wrote a book, "Thanks: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make you Happier". He states, "Without gratitude, life can be lonely, depressing and impoverished. Gratitude enriches human life. It elevates, energizes, inspires and transforms. People are moved, opened and humbled through expressions of gratitude." According to Emmons, gratitude is a chosen attitude, and if we choose to cultivate it, we will see benefits, including better health. To cultivate gratitude you need to give up 'victim mentality' and overcome a sense of entitlement and deservedness, good things to let go of!
I'm pretty sure we've all heard about the benefits of writing down at least 5 things we are grateful for each day, yet how many actually do it? If you're having a difficult time feeling grateful right now, it might be a great exercise to try! Try it for 30 days and see the difference it makes in your life!

Thank You
A friend asked what I was writing on. I answered, it's on Gratitude, and I think I'll call it Thank You. I was thinking of how thankful I am to each of you- when she said, 'hmm... great idea! Thanking yourself for what you do!"
What a wonderful creative idea- to spend this Thanksgiving being grateful for all that makes our world so wonderful- and to give thanks to yourself for the beautiful gift you are as well! What if you really acknowledged and appreciated who you are and said 'thank you' to yourself each time you did something you would have appreciated someone else for? See how many times you can catch yourself doing or saying or thinking something nice and then acknowledge yourself for it. It might bring a smile to your face and a giggle to your heart! If you decide to take on this challenge, I would love to hear how it was for you!

Feeling so much gratitude for you! Until next time, Be good to yourself! YOU are your greatest asset!